Friday, March 25, 2005

Life is like...

Life is like one week in New Orleans.........only stretched over a longer period of time.

Found out some really great news today - The Webster cinema is coming back to life. Webster Groves last fall overturned their plans to create antiseptic condos and 'retail villas' in the heart of the city. Now a renovation group has taken ownership of the Ozark Cinema, with the intent on building a modern multi-purpose Theatre for local plays, performances, and inspiration. Bravo to creative thoughts and grounded people. Posted by Hello

Daytime photo shot from 1973 Posted by Hello

Here is the Ozark Theatre back in the arly sixties, before the 'modern' renovation. I kinda like the stateliness of the facade, and the upstairs offices. Posted by Hello

Here is what it looked like when I was just a little tike...popping wheelies off the stairs into on-coming traffic (that should explain a few things). Posted by Hello